Classic Sushi Rolls Every Beginner Should Try

Anyone who personally knows me is well aware of my love for sushi. There has almost never been a moment in time when I am not craving this delicious food for all 3 meals of the day. There is something about sushi that is unique in flavour and design. Whether its maki rolls, nigiri, sashimi,Continue reading “Classic Sushi Rolls Every Beginner Should Try”

8 Beauty Ideas To Practice Self-Care At Home

Self-care is often one of the most forgotten steps we take in our everyday routine. We as individuals tend to stem away from pampering ourselves and focusing on activities that will bring us peace and stability. One of the best ways to turn away from all the chaos around us is to truly explore andContinue reading “8 Beauty Ideas To Practice Self-Care At Home”

15 Things That My Digital And Content Marketing Certificate Taught Me

I remember the day that I got accepted into my post graduate program for Digital & Content Marketing. I was excited, curious, but most of all I was nervous for this new journey. I had recently graduated from my undergrad in Law & Society and had barely any experience in the world of marketing andContinue reading “15 Things That My Digital And Content Marketing Certificate Taught Me”

My 5 Favourite Fall Fashion Trends

The end of summer is finally here. We say goodbye to shorts and sunshine, and hello to pumpkin spice lattes, autumn colours, and fall fashion. The first smell of fall always seems like a new beginning, especially with some of the iconic fall fashion pieces that have come to our rescue from these quarantine blues.Continue reading “My 5 Favourite Fall Fashion Trends”

11 Dishes That Everyone Should Know How To Cook

Learning how to cook has become one of my favourite creative hobbies during my adult life. It has allowed me to experiment with various flavours and cultures in the kitchen, and has granted me the chance to make memories with loved ones. Growing up, my mother did most of the cooking while my dad wasContinue reading “11 Dishes That Everyone Should Know How To Cook”

The 6 Skincare Products That I Can’t Live Without

Growing up, i’ve never been the one to obsess over skincare products. I always avoided those Sephora conversations with the associates and despised the idea of spending more than 10 minutes in the store trying to find the perfect collection for my very dry skin type. However, my mom has always encouraged me that theContinue reading “The 6 Skincare Products That I Can’t Live Without”

4 Ways To Use TikTok For Your Business

Hi, my name is Michelle and I have a problem. A TikTok problem. If you haven’t heard about this 800 million users platform yet, what are you waiting for? This app has totally changed the social media game for me during quarantine and has made me laugh, cry, and feel inspired by all the amazingContinue reading “4 Ways To Use TikTok For Your Business”

Things To Do In Quarantine For Each Day Of The Week

Still stuck in quarantine or just bored at home? Well don’t worry, you’re not alone! This pandemic has certainly been a difficult time for all of us, and has granted us more free time than ever before. It has given us a chance to find new hobbies, spend time with our loved ones, and reflect onContinue reading “Things To Do In Quarantine For Each Day Of The Week”

How To Dress For A Job Interview

First impressions always count – especially when it comes to your potential employer. Your outfit should always be neat, chic, & professional. Avoid bringing in too much attention to your style where tight clothing, extravagant prints, short cut, sheer, or bright neon colours makes an entrance to your next job interview. It’s important to showcaseContinue reading “How To Dress For A Job Interview”

8 Social Media Tools That Every Content Creator Needs In Their Back Pocket

When you think of content, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Some may say it’s uploading a simple image or video on social media networks – but there’s so much more that meets the eye. Your content should be filled with engaging information, visuals, & graphics that will make users excited to learnContinue reading “8 Social Media Tools That Every Content Creator Needs In Their Back Pocket”